The WildHearts Schools Programme Partnership runs throughout the school year, with multiple programmes and events designed to empower, build confidence and expand opportunities for school students across the UK, from all backgrounds.
Through working with us, WildHearts Schools Partners create meaningful community impact, inspiring the next generation of innovative minds and empowering them to reach their full potential.
Your people can benefit from inspiring volunteering experiences at our live events or remote, online volunteering opportunities they can do in their own time. Our goal? To inspire the leaders our world deserves.
Term 1 (Sep-Dec)
Each year during COP we are committed to bringing together our global network of empowered young people to learn, collaborate and innovate to create a more sustainable future.
Term 2 (Jan-Mar)
The Micro-Tyco Challenge is a leading innovation and entrepreneurship competition which challenges young people to work together and develop innovative solutions to address social and environmental issues.
Term 3 (Apr-Jul)
Schools who have entered The Micro-Tyco Challenge are invited to submit their Micro-Tyco Ideas Decks to the competition. Top teams will be invited to pitch their ideas live to a panel of judges at The Micro-Tyco Challenge Finals.
Term 3 (Apr-Jul)
Hosted at The UK Houses of Parliament, this event recognises the top performing school students involved in the WildHearts Schools programme, and is attended by students and corporate partners.
Monthly Check-ins with WildHearts Relationship Manager to ensure the your team are aware of upcoming events, volunteering opportunities and success stories.
The WildHearts Schools team liaise with schools on your behalf; targeting geographical priority areas for partners, co-ordinating school registrations and managing volunteering opportunities.
Volunteer training, communications and ongoing support are co-ordinated by the WildHearts Schools team, ensuring volunteers are prepared for their volunteering activities.
The number of student engagements across different geographies are recorded and reported annually to you.
The results and outcomes of WildHearts Schools Programme activities are measured and reported, across all school terms to you.
Insights into employees’ experiences of volunteering with the programme are shared; including the impact on their personal development.