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WildHearts Global Youth Summit during COP27
Register Below
COP27 - Welcome to WildHearts Global Youth Summit_old
Please select the statement that corresponds with you:
I haven't registered for The WildHearts Global Youth Summit
I have registered for The WildHearts Global Youth Summit
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School Name
Your Name
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Please Register Now:
Please select the capacity in which you will be taking part in the WildHearts Global Youth Summit:
Teacher/School Staff/Youth Group
Teacher/School Staff/Youth Group
School Name:
School Postcode:
Teacher Name:
Teacher Email:
Where did you hear about the Summit?
Social Media
A member of the WildHearts Team
The Schools Outreach Company
My Employer
Please select which activity(s) you want to deliver with your students/young people from the list below.
Climate Awareness Assembly
Pre-recorded Sustainability Workshops
Sustainability Lesson Plans
Careers With Purpose Video Podcasts
Green Career Video Podcasts
School Name:
Your Email:
Your Name:
When do you intend to host your Climate Awareness Assembly(s) in your school:
Nov 7th - 11th
Nov 14th - 18th
Nov 21st - 25th
Nov 28th - Dec 2nd
How many Climate Awareness Assembly(s) do you intend to deliver:
Please tell us the Year Group(s) of the students who will be attending your Climate Awareness Assembly(s):
Younger than Yr.8/S1 (international equivalent: younger than 12 years old)
Yr.8/S1 (international equivalent: aged 12+ years old)
Yr.9/S2 (international equivalent: aged 13+ years old)
Yr.10/S3 (international equivalent: aged 14+ years old)
Yr.11/S4 (international equivalent: aged 15+ years old)
Yr.12/S5 (international equivalent: aged 16+ years old)
Yr.13/S6 (international equivalent: aged 17+ years old)
Older than Yr.13/S6 (international equivalent: aged 18+ years old)
How many students do you estimate will attend your Climate Awareness Assembly(s)?
Name of the school(s) attended by your child/children:
Your Name:
Your Email:
Please select which activity(s) you want to take part in/share with your child/children from the list below.
Pre-recorded Sustainability Workshops (available in November)
Sustainability Lesson Plans (available in November)
Careers With Purpose Video Podcasts (available in November)
Green Careers Video Podcasts (available in November)
When do you intend to undertake/share the selected activity(s):
Nov 7th - 11th
Nov 14th - 18th
Nov 21st - 25th
Nov 28th - Dec 2nd
How many child/children do you intend to undertake/share the selected activity(s) with:
Please tell us the Year Group(s) of your child/children with whom you intend to undertake/share the selected activity(s):
Younger than Yr.8/S1 (international equivalent: younger than 12 years old)
Yr.8/S1 (international equivalent: aged 12+ years old)
Yr.9/S2 (international equivalent: aged 13+ years old)
Yr.10/S3 (international equivalent: aged 14+ years old)
Yr.11/S4 (international equivalent: aged 15+ years old)
Yr.12/S5 (international equivalent: aged 16+ years old)
Yr.13/S6 (international equivalent: aged 17+ years old)
Climate Awareness Assembly
How many Climate Awareness Assembly do you intend to deliver in your school?
When do you intend to host the Climate Awareness Assembly(s) in your school?
Nov 7th - 11th
Nov 14th - 18th
Nov 21st - 25th
Nov 28th - Dec 2nd
Please tell us which Year Group(s) will be attending the Climate Awareness Assembly(s).
Younger than Yr.8/S1 (international equivalent: younger than 12 years old)
Yr.8/S1 (international equivalent: aged 12+ years old)
Yr.9/S2 (international equivalent: aged 13+ years old)
Yr.10/S3 (international equivalent: aged 14+ years old)
Yr.11/S4 (international equivalent: aged 15+ years old)
Yr.12/S5 (international equivalent: aged 16+ years old)
Yr.13/S6 (international equivalent: aged 17+ years old)
Please tell us how many students will be attending the Climate Awareness Assembly(s).
Pre-Recorded Sustainability Workshops
Please tell us which Year Group(s) will be participating in the Pre-Recorded Sustainability Workshop(s).
Younger than Yr.8/S1 (international equivalent: younger than 12 years old)
Yr.8/S1 (international equivalent: aged 12+ years old)
Yr.9/S2 (international equivalent: aged 13+ years old)
Yr.10/S3 (international equivalent: aged 14+ years old)
Yr.11/S4 (international equivalent: aged 15+ years old)
Yr.12/S5 (international equivalent: aged 16+ years old)
Yr.13/S6 (international equivalent: aged 17+ years old)
Please tell us how many students will be participating in the Pre-Recorded Sustainability Workshop(s).
Sustainability Lesson Plans
Please tell us which Year Group(s) will be participating in the Sustainability Lesson Plans.
Younger than Yr.8/S1 (international equivalent: younger than 12 years old)
Yr.8/S1 (international equivalent: aged 12+ years old)
Yr.9/S2 (international equivalent: aged 13+ years old)
Yr.10/S3 (international equivalent: aged 14+ years old)
Yr.11/S4 (international equivalent: aged 15+ years old)
Yr.12/S5 (international equivalent: aged 16+ years old)
Yr.13/S6 (international equivalent: aged 17+ years old)
Please tell us how many students will be participating in the Sustainability Lesson Plans.
Careers With Purpose Video Podcasts
Please tell us how many students will be participating in the Careers With Purpose Video Podcasts.
Please tell us which Year Group(s) will be participating in the Careers With Purpose Video Podcasts.
Younger than Yr.8/S1 (international equivalent: younger than 12 years old)
Yr.8/S1 (international equivalent: aged 12+ years old)
Yr.9/S2 (international equivalent: aged 13+ years old)
Yr.10/S3 (international equivalent: aged 14+ years old)
Yr.11/S4 (international equivalent: aged 15+ years old)
Yr.12/S5 (international equivalent: aged 16+ years old)
Yr.13/S6 (international equivalent: aged 17+ years old)
Careers With Green Career Podcasts
Please tell us how many students will be participating in the Green Career Podcasts.
Please tell us which Year Group(s) will be participating in the Green Career Podcasts.
Younger than Yr.8/S1 (international equivalent: younger than 12 years old)
Yr.8/S1 (international equivalent: aged 12+ years old)
Yr.9/S2 (international equivalent: aged 13+ years old)
Yr.10/S3 (international equivalent: aged 14+ years old)
Yr.11/S4 (international equivalent: aged 15+ years old)
Yr.12/S5 (international equivalent: aged 16+ years old)
Yr.13/S6 (international equivalent: aged 17+ years old)
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